The Supratec Group
The Supratec Group benefits from around 50 years of Know-How and has developed over the past decades from a manufacturer of highly efficient diffuser systems to a partner for total solutions in the water and wastewater sectors. The highly competitive Supratec products provide for many years economical and comprehensive solutions for municipalities and industry with respect to process engineering, water and wastewater treatment, cooling water treatment and aquaculture.

Our successful products include:
- MBR Module of Shanghai Supratec Membrane Technology
Highly efficient and energy saving diffuser systems for the Chinese market of Shanghai Supratec Environment based on the Know-Hows of the renowned Supratec Gesellschaft für Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik mbH, which operates worldwide with their well-known brands:
- Plate Diffuser: OXYFLEX® MF Series
- Disc Diffuser: OXYFLEX® MT Series
- Tube diffuser: OXYFLEX® MS Series
- Innovative technological solutions for water quality measurements based on physical-chemical measurement principles of the French based AQUALABO Group with the successful brands PONSEL, AQUALYS, SECOMAM und ORCHIDIS. The comprehensive product range includes:
- Online Analyzer
- Displays, loggers, transmitters and controllers
- Sensors
- Kits and portable lab
- Samplers
- Reagents, solutions, calibration solutions
- Spectrometers and Photometers
- State-of-the-Art Instrumentation including the robust, easy-to operate and multifunctional S200 Series for measuring:
- pH, temperature, Redox voltage, ion concentrations
- Oxygen, turbidity (with digital sensors)
- Active and total chlorine*
- Chlorine dioxide*
- Ozone and oxygen*
- Conductivity*
*Optional with additional electrically isolated measuring input
- High quality early warning systems for automated online monitoring of drinking water, surface water and process water quality. The main complementary systems comprise:
- ALGcontrol for detecting Algae
- TOXcontrol for detecting chemical-toxicity pollutions
- BACTcontrol for detecting bacteria
Shanghai Supratec Environment Co. Ltd.
in cooperation with
Supratec Gesellschaft für Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik mbH
Shanghai Supratec Membrane Technology
Supratec Membrane Kft.