Technical Features
Comparison PVDF vs. PES Membranes
PVDF (Polyvinylidefluoride) and PES (Polyethersulfon) membranes are the most widely used membrane materials for MBR applications.
Compared to PES membranes, PVDF membranes are characterized by a better permeability and an advanced pore distribution as well as higher chemical and mechanical resistance.

In particular, PVDF membranes have a significant better chemical stability against oxidizing materials.
A higher treatment concentration increases significantly the cleaning efficiency and helps to prolong cleaning cycles. The operating cost decreases and he economic lifetime increases.
Comparison Ultrafiltration - Microfiltration
Key Factors of MBR Membrane Quality

Membrane Pore Size

Supratec PVDF Membranes with excellent pore characteristics
Compared to typical, state of the art MBR membranes on the market, Supratec PVDF membranes have a nominal pore size of 0.03µm and consist of an extremely porous and homogeneous pore structure.
The excellent porosity and homogeneous pore structure of Supratec membranes compared to typical, state of the art membranes on the market can be clearly seen und the electronic microscope :

Supratec Membranes – the Advantages at a Glance
>50% higher permeability for clean water
30-50% constantly higher flux rates in MBR applications compared e.g. to PES state of the art membranes
20%-40% reduced energy costs due to higher porosity and lesser membrane resistance!
Significant CAPEX advantages due to lesser membrane area to be installed.
Strongly reduced membrane fouling due to smaller pore sizes and reduced pore blockage
Enhanced cleaning efficiency and excellent cut off due to extreme narrow pore size distribution